Hear from our 2017 Mentors
We match every team of girls in the Search for the Next Tech Girl Superhero competition with a mentor. To qualify as a mentor, you need to:
- Be a female** work in a STEM* related field
- Have a passion for technology
- Want to help a team of girls build confidence with technology and learn hands on entrepreneurial skills
- Be available for an average of 1-2 hours each week online from the 30th of April until 27th of July 2018 (13 weeks)
- Be willing to guide the teams of girls to the information they need, adhering to deadlines etc
- Be willing to get a blue card for working with children - In 2018 this is a requirement by all states across Australia so please register now for a blue card if you don't have one already. It is free, and will reassure our teachers and parents.
We invite you to join us on this entrepreneurial journey to inspire and empower the next generation of leaders. Together, we can build a workforce that is capable of building the technology of the future.
*Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
**Men are welcome to be judges in August. We only have female mentors as we want our teams to have access to a positive female role model. For any interested men, we invite you to join as a technical mentor (complete form below), or as a judge (form coming soon).