+What are the important dates for the 2018 Search for the Next Tech Girl Superhero?

Competition Launch: 8th March, 2018

Registration deadline 18th April, 2018

Program kick off - Week 1: 30th April, 2018

Submissions due - Week 13: 5pm - 27th July, 2018

Judging: During August 2018

Winners and Finalists announced, and showcase events: September 2018

The earlier you register, the more time you will have to work through the curriculum. We recommend starting as early as possible.

+Will late registrations be accepted (after Friday 13th April)?

Teams can register after the 18th of April but we cannot guarantee that we can match late teams with a mentor.

Week 1 of the program officially starts on the 30th of April, and teams have 12 structured weeks and one additional week to complete the program. Note that late entrants may not have enough time to complete all tasks.

+How old do I have to be to participate?

We invite girls from 7 - 17 years of age.

+How do I find a team?

Most teams meet at schools and are facilitated by school teachers. In some cases, parents and other community leaders step up to facilitate teams.

As a first step, the student should see if she has friends/classmates who would be interested in forming a team. In the case that there are enough students to form at least one team at the school, the students should then look to find a teacher(s) who can volunteer to facilitate the program. If there is not enough interest from one school, students can also form teams from multiple schools and find parents to facilitate.

+Does App Inventor work for iPhones?

App Inventor only supports the Android OS right now. Even though the curriculum is linked to App Inventor, your team can adapt the curriculum and submit an app developed for iOS or whatever platform you prefer.


+Do I have to know how to code first?

No prior programming experience is necessary for students or mentors. Participants learn some basic computer programming principles as they complete the course, but they don’t need to become expert software developers to be able to participate.

Students rely on their mentors not to know all of the answers, but simply to help them figure out how to find the appropriate answers. Most of our mentors are not software engineers, they are dedicated professionals who are eager to help young women learn new skills and build their confidence.

+How much does it cost to participate?

The competition is free for all participants. Each team will consist of a team of up to five girls (ages 7 to 17), a safe place to meet, a laptop with an internet connection, and a smart phone or tablet.

+How many teams can participate from each school?

We recommend a minimum of 3 participants per teams if possible; with a healthy number of girls involved, the girls tend to keep each other excited and engaged throughout the season. There is no maximum; every school can enter as many teams as they wish. The more, the better!

+Who owns the code and IP developed during the competition?

The ownership of all intellectual property (IP) developed through the competition remains with the teams involved in developing it. The Tech Girls Movement does not require ownership over any part of competing teams’ apps or associated IP.


+Do mentors need to know how to code before starting the competition?

Having at least a baseline knowledge of how to code is helpful, but not necessary to mentor. What’s most important is that mentors are willing to learn alongside the students and help them through the problem solving process. Mentors are also provided with guidance to provide support in subject areas they may not be familiar with. We will also provide technical mentors to help teams.

+Do I need a Working with Children Check to participate?

If you are located in Australia - yes you do. Please apply here - it's free. We need to view a copy of your successful application before you can participate as a team mentor in the program.