Prizes for Secondary and Primary Winners in Australia is donated by Stockland. Prizes in New Zealand are donated by Diana Jones, leadership coach, advisor and author.
Diana says “TGSH / TGM is a powerful early STEM experience together with exceptional leadership development for girls and young women encompassing making a business case, marketing, working as a team, and technology design to produce a practical and valuable app”.
P-Cubed’s free multi-platform app, Plastic Pollution Preventers, will help young Queenslanders consider how much plastic they use in their daily lives and its environmental impacts. The app allows users to record the quantity of plastic used and make better choices when purchasing products and choosing recyclable and reusable plastic bags. By doing this we hope to reduce the 8 million tonnes of plastic that flows into the world’s waterways, oceans and landfill each year. Our app is unique for two reasons; it allows users to track their plastic use, and it has been designed specifically with young Queenslanders in mind.
The Domestic Angels app was made to allow victims of domestic and family violence (DFV) to contact Police without being detected by their abuser. This app has been disguised as a cleaning app to avoid detection by the abuser and to stop inadvertent use or abuse of the app. However, the app allows the victim to contact Police using three quiet, simple and fast steps while keeping the abuser completely oblivious to what the victim is doing and thus keeping the victim safe. The victim’s message is sent by SMS directly to the Police and includes the victim’s location making it easier for Police to arrive quickly.
Our app helps fish not get endangered because fishermen will not take more than they are allowed and will stick to the legal size. It is difficult to know the rules. Each region has different ones and there are many kinds of fish. It’s not easy to look up a website when you are fishing and your hands are sticky and dirty. We created a Fishing Siri to let fisherman get information hands free. By calling out the name of the fish, it gives back information about the size limit and daily catch limit for that fish. There are different buttons for each region of New Zealand. There is a camera allowing a fisherman/woman to take a photo of the fish.
We noticed that the number of obese children has increased due to lack of exercise and healthy eating. We also noticed that car emissions are damaging the environment. Bi-schooling will make children more confident when riding a bike on the road as they can do it in a group as well as learn the road rules. This will help to reduce the affect that car emissions have on the environment as well as keeping kids healthy. They can find children who are biking to the same destination and join their group to bike together and find a safe route.
The main purpose of our app is to give our busy road users the vital information they need if they hit an animal while driving. It also has a feature for users to exactly pinpoint the location of the injured or killed animals using GPS coordinates. These GPS coordinates can be used by animal rescue organisations like RSPCA and WIRES. Our app is not only for helping animals but it also has a ‘Kids Mode’ which is designed to educate young people around the native animals of Australia. This mode is has amazing information and it does not require wi-fi.
Talk to the Hand – My Bucket’s Full, is an app for people with sensory processing disorder. Designed to help people organize themselves, feel calm and relaxed, ready to face the world. The app includes choices between • Sensory Wake Up; activities that assist you to alert your senses and get you in the optimal zone for the day • Sensory Pit Stop; activities that assist you refocus and refuel yourself to stay on task • My Bucket; allows you to choose what sense you want to focus on and will give you activities to help desensitize it if your bucket is feeling overloaded (high), or activate your senses if your bucket is empty (low). • Other general activities such as drawing and calming music and games.
STEAMA 6 is an app created to empower girls and inspire them to get involved in STEM areas. This app is aimed at primary school students but especially girls. It encourages girls to see themselves as STEM superheroes through relatable female role models. Our app involves learning areas in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics and Astronomy. The low amount of women is STEM fields is constantly in the media. In our primary school alone, we know that more boys inspire to work in STEM than girls. Our app provides lesson plans, information about us, courses, games quizzes and much more.
HerStory aims to educate and empower minorities, as well as magnifying the voices of minority groups across not just Australia but the world. The application has various features, including articles about equality, quizzes and other dynamic content. Through the utilisation of these features, the app is accessible to many different people, making the app ideal for a wide range of people who learn through the use of different techniques, creating a larger market. The speech-to-audio element of our app fundamentally shows what it is all about – available and accessible to everyone, giving any user the equal opportunity to enjoy HerStory.